The Future of Credit Repair and Tradelines
Big changes are happening in the world of credit repair and tradelines.
The tradeline industry is expanding rapidly. Gone are the days of only the wealthy having access to the strategy of credit piggybacking.
Innovations by tradeline companies have made tradelines more accessible than ever, helping to promote equal credit opportunity.
The top credit repair companies are getting on board with authorized user tradelines as a way to take their clients—and their businesses—to the next level of success.
Keep reading to find out why the future of credit repair depends on tradelines.
Tradelines & Credit Repair Go Hand-in-Hand
Credit repair and tradelines work best together. Click to go to the full version of our infographic.
As we discussed in “Credit Repair vs. Tradelines,” when it comes to establishing or re-establishing credit, credit repair can only go so far.
It can remove inaccurate information, but then what is the client left with? They may end up with a thin file or they may have accurate negative information that cannot be removed.
The client still needs to show that they have a credit history. Removing too much information from their credit file could backfire and hurt their credit more than it helps.
The client not only needs credit repair but also credit restoration and reestablishment.
Credit repair is only half of the equation. The other half of the equation is tradelines, which can add positive credit history to a client’s credit file to reestablish their credit.
Unfortunately, the credit repair industry has not yet fully come around to the idea of using tradelines as an integral part of their business model.
This is changing rapidly, however, as credit repair businesses are realizing why authorized user tradelines are so valuable and how easy they are to add to their credit repair services.
How Credit Repair Companies Can Benefit from Tradelines
Although many credit repair businesses have historically been resistant to using tradelines, they would do well to reevaluate this stance. Tradelines can allow credit repair businesses to expand their offerings and grow at a much faster pace.
Here are some of the benefits credit repair companies can reap from integrating tradelines into their business:
Tradelines can enhance clients’ results and increase customer satisfaction.
Tradelines provide an opportunity to upsell and add value to your services.
It is easy to integrate tradelines into a credit repair business model.
Selling tradelines can increase your monthly revenue by thousands of dollars.
Why Don’t More Credit Repair Companies Offer Tradelines?
The legitimacy of tradelines has been confirmed by the U.S. Congress.
One common concern we hear from credit repair companies is the question of whether tradelines are legal. While we understand why this is such a common question, we want to clear up the misconceptions people have about the legality of tradelines.
Tradeline Supply Company, LLC does not give legal advice, but we can look to the government organizations that have provided guidance on this issue.
In 2008, the issue of piggybacking using AU tradelines was discussed in Congress after FICO tried unsuccessfully to eliminate the ability for AU tradelines to be factored into FICO scores.
Because of the Equal Credit Opportunity Act of 1974, which prohibits credit discrimination, FICO was forced to admit that they could not exclude certain AUs from their credit scoring models. The fact that this congressional hearing protected the status of AU tradelines supports the idea that tradelines are legal.
Understandably, however, the tradeline industry has earned a reputation for not being the most trustworthy business. Unfortunately, there are illegal and unethical tactics that take place within the tradeline industry that consumers should watch out for.
Tradeline Supply Company, LLC is changing the tradeline industry for the better by fighting unethical and illegal practices.
There are plenty of companies out there that sell tradelines while also participating in questionable and potentially fraudulent activities, such as address merging, selling primary tradelines, and using CPNs.
It’s important to work with a tradeline company that operates ethically and is fully compliant with laws and regulations. With our high standard of integrity, Tradeline Supply Company, LLC stands out from the tradeline companies that engage in unethical practices, and we aim to change the entire tradeline industry for the better.
Conclusions on the Future of Tradelines and Credit Repair
Tradeline companies who operate with ethics and integrity are breaking down the stigma of tradelines and showing how they help to create equal credit opportunity.
As a result, authorized user tradelines are no longer an underground strategy accessible only by the privileged few. Anyone can now use tradelines to build credit. The consumers who stand to benefit most from tradelines include those seeking credit repair.
While credit repair helps to remove damaging inaccuracies from consumers’ credit reports, removing negative information is often not enough to get people to where they want to be. Tradelines represent an opportunity to add positive credit history, helping to restore and rebuild consumers’ credit.
Despite this fact, some credit repair companies still do not offer tradelines to their customers because they feel that tradelines are a threat to their business. They see tradeline companies as competition because clients may end up spending money on tradelines as opposed to their credit repair services.
However, this outdated view of the tradeline industry is preventing credit repair professionals from better serving their customers and ultimately stunting the growth of their businesses.
Credit repair companies who are adapting, innovating, and poised to thrive in changing times understand that they can no longer ignore the value of tradelines.
Tradelines allow credit repair businesses to offer more services, get better results for their clients, and multiply their profits. Simply put, credit repair companies cannot afford to miss out on tradelines if they want to keep up with the times.
Credit repair works best when paired with tradelines. In the future of credit repair and tradelines, the best credit repair companies will thrive by using tradelines to complement their credit repair services and maximize results for their clients.
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